Our History & Mission
The Metro East Park and Recreation District (MEPRD) was formed by voters of Madison and St. Clair Counties, Illinois in November 2000. MEPRD partners with local governments, special districts, and other jurisdictions for the purposes of developing and improving parks, recreational facilities, and trails throughout the two-county area. MEPRD also increases awareness and use of these amenities by providing related maps, data, statistics and marketing materials.
Mission: Metro East Park and Recreation District shall have as its primary duty the development, operation, and maintenance of a public system of interconnecting parks and trails throughout the counties comprising the district.
MEPRD has three (3) full-time employees and six (6) Board Members.

Two versions of MEPRD's Logo have been provided in vector file-format: a color version and a black/white version. MEPRD prefers the use of the color version, however the black/white version can be used if all other sponsor logos are in black/white.
NOTE: Most individuals do not have software capable of opening vector files, e.g. Adobe Illustrator, but the graphic designer/t-shirt designer/printer will have. Please forward the file(s) or this page link to them. A vector version of MEPRD's logo should be used in all instances.
Download Instructions: review the important notes above and then click the corresponding button to download a color or black/white version of MEPRD's logo in vector file format."
Frequently Asked Questions
The Metro East Park and Recreation District’s primary duty is the development of a public system of interconnecting parks and trails throughout Madison and St. Clair Counties in Illinois. Clinton, Jersey, Macoupin, and Monroe Counties are eligible for inclusion in the district. The Metro East Park and Recreation District supplements, but does not substitute the powers and responsibilities of other park and recreation systems within the district. The Metro East Park and Recreation District has the power to contract with other parks and recreation systems as well as other public and private entities.
Metro East Park and Recreation District Tax is imposed by the District on all persons engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property at retail within the district’s jurisdiction. Once an eligible county has received voter approval to become part of the District and adopts the ordinance, the Metro East Park and Recreation District Tax becomes effective. The Illinois Department of Revenue is responsible for administering Metro East Park and Recreation District Tax. Note: When a district establishes a Metro East Park and Recreation District Retailers’ Occupation Tax it must also impose a Metro East Park and Recreation District Service Occupation Tax.
Yes, Metro East Park and Recreation District Tax does not apply to the sales of tangible personal property that is titled or registered with an agency of this state’s government, (e.g., cars, trucks, boats, motorcycle, trailers, snowmobiles, aircraft), and food for human consumption that is to be consumed off the premises where it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, and food which has been prepared for immediate consumption) and prescription and non-prescription medicines, drugs, medical appliances and insulin, urine testing materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics.
Yes. The Metro East District will distribute 50% of the amounts collected from each county back to that respective county for park and recreation purposes. Of that amount, not less than 50% must be distributed annually in the form of grants to park districts and municipal park and recreation departments within the county. The remaining 50% of the amounts collected from each county are allocated into the Metro East Park and Recreation District Fund.
Yes, the county must receive voter approval to become a part of the Metro East Park and Recreation District.
Metro East Park and Recreation District Tax must be imposed at 1/10 of one percent.
The county must file certified election results, adopt the ordinance to impose the tax, and file a certified copy of the ordinance that imposes the tax with the Illinois Department of Revenue.
If the local government has filed a certified copy of the ordinance with the department on or before April 1, the tax rate will take effect July 1 of the same year. October 1, the tax rate will take effect January 1 of the following year.
For taxes imposed effective January 1, the first disbursement will be made to the local government during the following April. For taxes imposed effective July 1, the first disbursement will be made to the local government during the following October.
Metro East Park and Recreation District Act, 70 ILCS 1605. (Source)
The Illinois Freedom of Information Act is designed to ensure that Illinois residents can obtain information about their government (Source).
If you would like to obtain information from a public body, you should begin by writing down a list of the information you are seeking. Then prepare a letter to that public body’s office. If you are not sure to whom to address the letter, contact the public body’s main office and request the contact information for the FOIA officer. Your letter should include your name, your address, the date and a daytime phone number so that the public body can contact you if they have any questions. Describe the information you are seeking with sufficient detail so that the public body can find the requested records. Providing as much information as possible in your request on the subject matter may expedite the public body’s search process. You do not need to describe the document specifically and accurately by the same name the public body uses, as long as the public body understands what is being requested.
Public bodies, however, can require that FOIA requests be submitted in writing.
FOIA requests should be submitted to the public body’s designated FOIA officer. All mailed FOIA requests to MEPRD should be sent to:
FOIA Request Attn: Rene' St. Peters
FOIA Officer, Metro East Park and Recreation District
104 United Drive
Collinsville, Illinois 62234
For additional information pertaining to the FOIA or related requests, please contact Rene' St. Peters, MEPRD FOIA Officer, at: (618) 346-4905.
For more information about FOIA requests, visit the website of the Illinois Attorney General.