The following is a complete listing of all Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure Master Plans published and approved by municipalities, townships, and other public entities in Madison and St. Clair Counties, Illinois. Please note that some plans are comprehensive in nature, covering topics beyond bike-ped infrastructure. For your convenience, we have included page number references to help you easily locate the bike-ped information in such plans. Please let us know if we are missing any.
Explore the MEPRD Bicycle Infrastructure Plans Map for a regional illustration of all planned bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in Madison and St. Clair Counties, Illinois. This interactive map contains the planned/proposed infrastructure (e.g., bike trails, walking trails, sidewalks, and bike lanes) from all of the adopted plans listed on this page. Each plan is depicted as a different color on the map and any plan(s) can be turned on or off using the legend.
About the Table: The plans listed in the table below are sorted alphabetically by agency/location name. To view any listed plan, click on the plan's title or click on the 'View Plan' link below it.